German Muskets
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These weapons were issued to German troops, but also found their way into the hands of colonial troops.
German weapons and gear have a unique aggressive style to them, with lots of brass and angles.
Links to individual products
Long Land Brown Bess Musket
Ranger Brown Bess Musket
East India Pattern Brown Bess Musket
Ship's Flintlock Carbine
Ketland Flintlock Fusil
1717 French Flintlock Musket
1777 French Flintlock Musket
1777 French Flintlock Carbine
Flintlock Fusil de Chasse
1740 Potzdam Flintlock Musket
1757 Spanish Flintlock Musket
New England Flintlock Fowler
Early Trade Flintlock Musket
Baker Flintlock Rifle
1816 Springfield Flintlock Musket
Double Barrel Flintlock Shotgun
English Lock Fishtail Fowler
English Matchlock Musket
Dutch Flintlock Blunderbuss
Early Doglock Blunderbuss
1853 Enfield Rifle Musket
British Heavy Dragoon Flintlock Pistol
British Eliot Light Dragoon Flintlock Pistol
British 1756 Sea Service Flintlock Pistol
Flintlock Ketland Trade Pistol
Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol
1733 French Flintlock Pistol
1773 French Flintlock Pistol
German Flintlock Pistol
Scottish Murdoch Flintlock Pistol
Royal Highland Regiments Flintlock Pistol
English Doglock Pistol
Double Barrel Percussion Pistol
1740 Potzdam Musket (F&I War, American Revolution)
Germanic Dragoon Pistol (F&I War, American Revolution)