Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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British Heavy Dragoon Pistol

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Here is our British Heavy Dragoon Pistol. This style of pistol dates back to the 1730's, but remained in use for nearly a century. The barrel is 12" long and the overall length is 19 1/2". Weight is 4 pounds, give or take. These typically run about .62 caliber smoothbore, but sometimes come in with larger or smaller bores. We measure each one as part of the inspection process and the actual bore measurement will be marked on the front of your owner's manual.

Although these were issued to horse troopers and expected to be used in combat, they were made in the fancy Rococo style that was all the rage in Europe. There is raised carving around the lock and triggerguard. Designed at roughly the same time as the Long Land Brown Bess, this pistol incorporates a Brown Bess type "swell" of the stock at the entry pipe.

The brass buttcap has long ears, and there is a brass escution at the wrist which serves as a reinforcement. The sideplate is similar to the Long Land.

These reproductions have unmarked locks, but do have line engraving around the edges of the plate and cock. For more photos, click on the link above to go to our online store.

          Here is a right side view. Click on the photo for a larger image. right view
          Here's a view from the left. left view