I have been given permission by the cardiologist to return to work.

The current situation is that I will have to go to cardiac rehab three days a week for the next 12 weeks.

In light of three days being taken up with cardiac rehab, we will be closed Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next 12 weeks.
I will be working on the weekends to try and get caught up.
Between being hospitalized and time I was not allowed to go back to work, I lost an entire month and have a lot of catching up to do.

If you are interested in reading the whole story of chest pains, driving myself to the hospital,
then being flown in a helicopter to a better equipped hospital where they saved my life, you can read it on my blog at this link.

The shop officially reopened as of Friday, December 13th,
which was our 31st anniversary of starting this business all those years ago in Massachusetts.
Being the anniversary, we had to at least symbolically reopen on that day.

Taking inventory was interesting, I kept finding long lost stuff AND the replacement for the crate of muskets
that disappeared this summer at the FedEx hub showed up right in the middle of the project.
When all was counted and this list was brought up to date, there were actually some guns left over.

At this moment, there are 6 muskets and 4 pistols that are un-spoken for.
We haven't seen that situation since the start of COVID! It's been a weird few years.

I shouldn't have to say this, but now that the list is all caught up, now I have 111 guns to tear down & prep.
Some will be easy, some will require a total rebuild.
That's how this works. In addition, I've got nipples to make, hammerstalls to sew and a shelf of repairs to do.
PLUS three days of going to a hospital in the next town cardiac rehab.

That means I will update this list WHEN I FIND TIME TO DO IT and not until.
Writing HTML to maintain a list like this is NOT my priority when
there is so much shop work to do and less time to do it in.
Do not email me to whine that it is a few weeks old. I don't care.
Do not be creepy and track down my home phone number and annoy my wife.
Do not be EXTRA creepy like a certain pirate reenactor and annoy my wife
on her private facebook page (you know who you are!!!)
Relax, it's just a gun. You'll get it when it is your turn.

Thank you for your patience and well wishes.
The 6 weeks have been quite an adjustment for us, but I am expected to make a full recovery.

The guns that are here are the orders highlit in blue below.
Each one is just as much a priority as all of the others.

There are a few accessory orders in green down near the bottom of the list that I'll be packing up to ship ASAP.
They are highlit in green.
Please don't nag me about small non-gun orders like belt hooks and spring vices.
We ship USPS boxes once a week at best.
Remember, this a rural gun shop, not!
There is no full time, highly automated shipping department.

Historical Shooting Inc shooting classes are reopening on a limited basis in January.
Time slots are already filling up fast for the summer.
While you are waiting for your musket to be built, come on up and take a
historic firearms class so you'll know what to do with it when it arrives!

At this time, there are two live-shooting courses available through HSI:
a 4+ hour introduction to WW2 small arms, and an introduction to flintlock muskets.
You can sign up for them at this link: HSI

Keep your powder dry!

This is the list of current orders I am working on.

I will TRY to update this list when I get a chance...but shop work always takes priority over paperwork.
Generally it get updated monthly because I'm just swamped with work here and can't spare hours of HTML code writing every week.
It literally takes hours to update this list. No kidding!

Please DO NOT contact me and tell me it hasn't been updated in a few days, my priority is working on your gun.

Emails from people complaining that the list is not up to date get deleted without a reply.

Please DO NOT contact me and complain that someone lower on the list than you is marked “Ready to prep”. It is because I had one of that model ready to go already.

Please read and understand the following instructions before asking me questions about your place on the list


-All orders below are listed by invoice number, regardless of what was ordered

-For orders in black letters on white background, your item is not built yet

-Orange background means the invoice is on layaway and not paid for yet.

-Red highlights are a note for me, like a special task to perform or there is something I need to ask for clarification on

-Blue background means the gun is complete but still has to go through the shop and be reworked to make it fully functional

When looking yourself up to see where you are, don't look at your overall place in line, what matters is how many of the same model you ordered are ahead of you.

This list is primarily for my use to know what to work on next. I share this info as a courtesy only.
I am under NO OBLIGATION to update it for you in a timely fashion.
DO NOT whine to me that is out of date.
You don't really need an order status update. Learn to be patient.

As each order is filled, it is removed from the list and everyone else below moves up. Any specific info on a particular order is on the right hand column.

This is the ONLY information available about the status of your order, please do not ask for any other information.

Accessory - only orders are pulled out of the lineup from time to time unless something Is backordered.


The notes are self explanatory but people routinely write to me to ask what words mean instead of simply consulting a dictionary.

“Ready to prep” means the gun is complete, has arrived here at our shop but still needs to be torn down, inspected, vented, reworked if needed and tested.
This could take an hour or this could take a couple of days, depending on what that particular gun needs.

“Expected in next shipment” means it is complete and on it's way to us from the shop overseas, it will be marked
as such until it arrives here and is uncrated & logged in, at such time it will be marked "Ready to prep"

“Waiting for rest of payment” means the gun is prepped & tested, but was purchased via deposit and we are waiting for the rest of the payment

“Paid in full” means that the gun was on layaway and shows the balance is paid in full

List current as of 12/26/24

Status Name Items ordered Invoice number Balance due Order status

Oehrle PDBF 1916
Note address change

Dusenberry MDBF 2401
Ready to prep
Double Thompson PDBF 2555
Ready to prep

Besecker PDBF – MDBF 2560L
Paid in full, ready to prep

Reasor P56SS 2575L $200.00 On layaway

Jibben Accessories 2644
Bess bayonets & slings backordered
Double Sarazin PDBF 2674
Ready to prep
Double Guminski PDBF 2747
Ready to prep

Newberry MBBB18 2791L $550.00 On layaway

VanVliet M77FRB 2809L $670.00 On layaway
Double Camperchioli PDBF 2832
Ready to prep
Double Cooper PDBF 2842
Ready to prep

Kidd M1BB 2847L $625.00 On layaway

Gilbert MDBF 2850
Ready to prep
Deposit McNeil 2-MDBF 2866D $750.00 Ready to prep
Double Blank PDBF 2881
Ready to prep
Double Kneupper PDBF 2954
Ready to prep

Winchell M77FR 2977L $300.00 On layaway
Double Kirkpatrick PDBF 3050
Ready to prep

Lawhon M3BB 3095L $545.00 On layaway

Kostock PDBF 3112L $474.00 On layaway
1 Achee PDBF 3138
Check for new address, Ready to prep

Lockwood PDBF 3162

Thompson P56SS 3171L $350.00 On layaway

Dinger PDBF 3190

Barnett MENF 3215L $470.00 On layaway
Deposit Whitworth 2 – MDBF 3233D $750.00 Ready to prep

D'Ambrosia M1BB 3244L $525.00 On layaway

Miller Accessories – rammers 3255
Rammers backordered
Double McAshan PDBC 3261D $237.50 Double caplocks on hold

Nuyen-Kariotis PDBF 3268L $324.00 On layaway

Harris PDBF 3285L $474.00 On layaway
Double Braun PDBC 3289
Note new address – Doubles caplocks on hold
1 MacKenzie MENF 3308L
Paid in full, Incl. check for $5 overpayment, Ready to prep

Brown MDBF 3311L
Expected in next shipment Paid in full
1 Price MDBF 3317
Ready to prep

Mifsud PDBF – MDBF – MEL – MSC 3325L $2,069.00 On layaway
Double Nice PDBC 3358
Overpaid by $30, include refund check, Doubles caplocks on hold

Wells Accessories – Nip pro 3367
Nipple wrench discontinued, include refund check, protectors backordered

Sipes PDBC 3373L $425.00 On layaway

Fradella PDBF 3395L $474.00 On layaway

Kaczmarek 2 – PDBF 3400
Check with him, may want 4 instead of 2
Deposit Ponzio PDBC 3404D $237.50

Riker PDBF 3424L
Paid in full, overpaid by $51, include refund check

Kuehn M1816S 3507L $625.00 On layaway
Deposit Peyton MNEF 3509D $325.00
Shipping chg Brazoria Parks Dept See list on invoice 3519
shipping not paid – 2xM3BB, PELD ready to prep, P73FR ready to ship

Hebert PDBF 3520

Sylvia Accessories 3524
Rammers backordered

Plowman PDBF 3574

2 Duryea MENF 3577L
Paid in full, overpaid by $30, incl. Refund check, Ready to prep

Brush P56SS 3581L $130.00 Layaway balance includes shipping

Hurst PDBF 3584L
Paid in full, Include check for $1 overpayment

Heffinger PDBC 3585

Deposit Klein MNEF 3593D $325.00

Hartrum M1BB 3600L $575.00 On layaway

Vickers PDBF 3637L $474.00 On layaway
Deposit Hutchinson MDBF 3644D $375.00

Tate Nonwarranty lock repair ####
Canadian Baker lock with stripped hole

Russell MBBB18 3685L $550.00 On layaway

Gilpin MDBF 3694
Ship to Canada separate charge, email for address, check for new email

Freleng Warranty lock repair ####
Frizzen repair

Curtis MNEF 3724L $625.00 On layaway
Deposit Foster PDBF 3733D $249.50

Davies PDBC 3734

3 Witherow MENF 3789
Ready to prep

Poulson MDBF 3794

Deposit Ulrich PDBC 3799D $237.50

McLaughlin Discontinued 3841L
Notified 3/7/23, need current address for refund
Deposit Tefft MNEF 3852D $325.00

Braddock MDBF 3870

McClure PDBC 3872

Bartlett Spring vice 3874

Savage 1777 bayo 3879
1777 bayonets backordered

Brandt Accessories 3888
Sending check, did we get it? French bayonet backordered
Deposit Straus MML-S 3908D $325.00 Deposit balance unpaid, notified 5/10/21, converted to layaway 5/11/22

Wodack PDBF – Bayos 3918
French & Bess bayonets backordered

McWilliams PDBF 3923

Wadsworth PDBF 3932
Need actual shipping address, check for email w/new address

Cox MNEF 3982

Olson PDBC 3984
Check for new address

Bremer MRBB 4006L $525.00 On layaway

Yelverton PDBF 4015

Deposit Trapani M17FR 4021D $325.00 Incl #4078, ref extra shppng, chng to M17FR per email, LAST CHANGE

Mayo M1717 Bayonet 4036
M1717 Bayonet backordered

Tate MKOF 4038L $650.00 On layaway

Hester PDBF 4043

Long MNEF 4053L
Paid in full

Bloom MBR 4082L $500.00 On layaway

Hilton MFDC 4089L $625.00 On layaway

Martino Bess bayo 4092
Bess bayonets backordered

Polese MDBF 4106
Moves frequently, check with him for new address

Jarrell PDBC 4114

Lease PRHR 4139L $350.00 On layaway

Graber/McKinnis PDBF 4162
Note change of address

Iwanyszyn Bess bayo 4195
Bess bayonets backordered

Sanchez-Campo MDBF 4214

McConahay Bess bayo 4220
Bess bayonets backordered

Tessmer Accessories 4225
Bess rammers backordered

Christian/Webb M77FR 4234L $475.00 On layaway

Hester PDBF 4237

Senanayake M1BB 4244L $425.00 On layaway

Rhodes PDBF – PGERM 4253L $324.00 On layaway

Garcia/RQM Accessories 4262
Nipple protectors backordered

Peragino Bess bayo and sling 4263

Halpin Bess bayonet 4269
Bess bayonets backordered

Hankinson PDBF 4273

Besecker Accessories 4280
Nipple wrench discontinued, include refund check, protectors backordered

Stockley Accessories – pistol rammer 4281
Pistol rammers backordered

Wegner PDBC 4289

Lauer Bess bayo and sling 4290
Slings backordered, Bess bayonets backordered

Bruechert Accessories – nipple 4310
Nipple protectors backordered
Deposit Winn PDBF 4323D $249.50 Add balance payoff link

Caudle MDBF 4325L $725.00 On layaway

Matson Bess bayo & sling 4332
Slings and Bess bayonets backordered

Harris Warranty repair ####
Rework tumbler, bent sear & sear spring
Deposit Warner PDBF 4349D $249.50 Add balance payoff link

Brady Accessories 4359
Nipple protectors backordered

McCutcheon MDBF 4362

Zawlocki MBR 4374L $500.00 On layaway

McMillen PSCOT 4378
Damascus knife, need actual shipping address,ready to ship

Richardson MDBF 4384

Tomczak M3BB 4385L $375.00 On layaway

Pierce MPC 4390L $425.00 On layaway

Holmes PDBF 4402

Cowie Accessories – 2 rammers 4404
Pistol rammers backordered

Mackowski MBBB18 4408L $550.00 On layaway

Sweet MML-T 4430L $85.00 On layaway

Jasinski MRBB 4466L $625.00 On layaway

Souza PDBC 4475

Lefkowitz MRBB – P56SS – PKT & acc 4482
Ready to prep

Steiner Accessories 4496
Slings backordered

Beaubien PDBF 4501

7 Sines P33FRS 4506
USPS - Ready to prep

Meek Bess bayo 4507
Bess bayonets backordered

Fortin Accessories – nipple protectors 4529
Nipple protectors backordered

Shultz/TTU Accessories 4531
Slings, Bess bayonets & scabbards backordered

Walters MDBF – M1BB 4555L $375.00 M1BB paid in full, On layaway
Deposit Riser PDBC 4559D $237.50

Richardson Accessories 4562
Note new address, slings backordered

Marconi MNEF 4576

Smith PDBF 4590

Peterson Sling 4591
Slings backordered, MRBB ret, by UPS: moved, left no fwd address, bad email
Deposit Knapp MENF 4592D $247.50 Balance due, need to send notice, Readdy to prep

Campbell/SAR 2 Bess bayos & scabbards 4621
Bess bayonets backordered
Deposit Blankenship MDBB 4623D $275.00 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep
Deposit Garris MNEF 4624D $325.00

Ryan Bess bayo & scabbard 4627
Bess bayonets backordered

McDonough PGERM 4634
Ready to prep

Strathman MNEF 4640L
Paid in full

Gully 2-MRBB & bayos 4643
Include INV4661, ready to prep

Brooks M1BB & acc 4644L
5 Lugo MENF 4655
Ready to prep

Anderson MDBF 4659L $725.00 On layaway

Edel 1717 bayonet 4660
1717 bayonets backordered

Fraker M1816S 4666L
Paid in full

Yip 77FR Bayo & sling 4667
Sling and bayonet backordered

Williams MDBF 4676L
Paid in full, Include check for $100 overpayment CANCEL & REFUND

Vaughan MNEF & access. 4689

Bialek Cleaning rod 4690
May p/u in person, emailed 2-3-22

Edwards MDBF 4726L $700.00 On layaway

Trent PDBC 4736L $200.00 On layaway

New prices begin here

Gyles MNEF 4750L $770.00 On layaway

Kokoska MNEF 4758

Raniolo Bess bayo & scabbard 4769
Bess bayonets & scabbards backordered

Prejean M1842S 4784L $375.00 On layaway

Balser MNEF 4811

6 Makinen MENF 4831
Ready to prep

Dusza MDBF 4846

Orchard P1822FRC 4865

Deposit Smith MDBB 4872D $375.00 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

See PDBC 4885

Sawyer Nipples 4910

Holmquest MDBF 4932

Lee MDBF 4943

Riker PGERM – MDBF 4960L $1,030.00 On layaway

Donald Bess bayo & scabbard 4961
Bess bayonets backordered
Deposit Caniglia P33FRS 4974D $237.50

Coyote Bess bayo & scabbard 4975
Bess bayonets backordered

Taylor MDBF 4996

McKinney Nipples 4997

Briesmeister PDRAG 4998L $450.00 On layaway

Ogden MDBF 5003

Carr M77FR 5012L $750.00 On layaway

Perrocco M1856C 5015D
Note international shipping, ready to prep, paid in full except shipping

Butt MML-T 5021L $750.00 On layaway

Mulvaine Accessories - Bess bayo & scab. 5072
Bess bayonets backordered
7 Gerrity M1BB & acc 5091
Ready to prep

Balanag Accessories 5100
Ready for pickup
Deposit Pollitz MDBF 5105D $397.50

Saxton 5 – Bess bayo 5115
Bess bayonets backordered

Vanduyne MBBB18 5122L
Paid in full

Mosich PDBF 5141L $775.00 On layaway
1 DeWitt M1757SP 5146L
Check email for new address, Paid in full, Ready to prep
Deposit Hardwick MNEF 5171D $397.50

Ballard M1BB 5172L $450.00 May pick up – On layaway

Bradley MSC 5179L $600.00 On layaway

Jehle/THI Accessories 5181
Does he want the other stuff now? Bess bayonets backordered
Deposit Jehle/THI MNEF 5183D $397.50
Deposit Paone M1BB 5184D $387.50 Ready to prep, Add balance payoff link

Davisson PKT 5219L $500.00 Pickup? On layaway

Frost Accessories 5220
Bess bayonets backordered

Williams PDRAG 5253L $450.00 On layaway

Perkins Bess bayo 5256
Bess bayonets backordered

Dunn M77FRS & bayo 5270
Local pickup, include INV5271, Ready to prep
Deposit Caniglia P33FRS 5274D $237.50

Kenyon Accessories 5279
Bess rammers backordered, check for new address

Smith M1BB – P56SS 5282L $1,200.00 On layaway

Becker 1777 bayo & scabbard 5287

Nodurft MDBF 5306

Lomeli MBR – M1842S 6112L $1,375.00 On layaway
Deposit Szatkowski MNEF 6118D $397.50

Walters/PCS MBBB18 6121

Deposit Clarke PDBF 6149D $397.50 Add balance payoff link

Potter Bess bayo & scabbard 6154
Bess bayonets & scabbards backordered
2 Reed M1757SP & bayo 6171
Include INV6195, ready to prep

Breckenridge Accessories 6174
Bess rammers backordered

Fessenden PBB 6176

O'Connell Nipples 6190
Need to make nipples

Baker MNEF 6199L
Paid in full, Incl. check for $5 overpayment

Coyle Accessories 6201
Include INV9733, 1777 bayonets & slings backordered
3 Billinger M1757SP & bayo 6203
Cancel sling per email, ready to prep, Inc INV6222 & 9339,ref extra shipping

Buyce M1816S 6209L $400.00 On layaway

Murphy M1BB 6213L
Paid in full – Ready to prep

Carlos Accessories 6219
Include INV6220, combine shipping

Sawyer Nipples 6226
Need to make nipples

Cockrum Bess bayo 6242
Bess bayonets backordered

Beadling M1842S 6246

Kile P33FRS 6266

Garnreiter MBBB18 6280

Deposit Lavely M1BB 9276D $387.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Doyle 1777 bayo 9296

Christian PBB & Acces. 9300

4 Figueroa M1757SP 9304
Include INV9492, Ready to prep

Garcia 1777 bayo & scabbard 9305

Francis Bess bayo & scabbard 9312
Bess bayonets backordered
Deposit Cain PGERM 9317D $237.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Rupy 1777 bayo 9327

Deposit Golden M17FR 9331D $375.00 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep
Deposit Cockrum PELD 9333D $237.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Wells M1740P 9337L $750.00 On layaway

Fisher MKOF 9338

Ambrose/Ft Fred M1BB – M1740P 9342
M1BB ready to prep

Minteer 1777 bayo 9343

Castle 1777 bayo & acc 9344

5 Fautheree M1757SP & acc 9350
Ready to prep

Baribeau 2- M1BB & 2- PELD 9358L $2,400.00 Correct this to be one of each On layaway

Crawford Bess bayo 9367
Bess bayonets backordered

Studinger Sling &1777 bayo 9370
Sling and bayonet backordered
Deposit Ortiz P56SS 9377D $237.50 Ready to prep, Add balance payoff link, check for new address

Torres M77FRB – bayo – accessories 9378
Ready to ship USPS

Wells Bess bayo & scabbard 9379
Bess bayonets backordered

Graybill 1717 bayo 9382
1717 Bayonets backordered

McKenna PDRAG 9396L $450.00 On layaway

Gilles M1BB 9400
Ready to prep
Deposit Houston M1BB & acc 9411D $387.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Grant Accessories 9433
Bess bayonets backordered

Walton Accessories 9440
Bess bayonets & scabbards backordered

Rohrer Accessories 9448
Need to make nipples

Mullins MML-S 9461L $675.00 On layaway
Deposit Colbert PELD 9462D $237.50 Ready to prep, Add balance payoff link
Deposit Kwachka MBBB18 9464D $412.50 Add balance payoff link

Cunnings Accessories 9470
Sling backordered, French scabbard backordered
Deposit O'Brien MEL – 2 PDOG – MDBB 9472D $1,261.50 Add bal payoff link, ready to prep

Thatch M1BB 9474L $750.00 On layaway

Bartz MNEF 9520

Thompson M77FRS 9523L $750.00 On layaway

Geraghty M1BB 9526
Pickup - ready to prep
Deposit Astor M1757SP & acc 9527D $375.00 Include INV9972, Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Lucier MBBB18 9538

Deposit Williams MKOF 9543D $387.50 Add balance payoff link
Deposit Hollander MML-S 9548D $387.50 Ready to prep, Add balance payoff link

Radzin Accessories 9555
Bess bayonets backordered
Deposit Ramsey MRBB – PSCOT 9556D $375.00 Add balance payoff link

Christianson PML-T 9557L
Paid in full
Deposit Blaede PSCOT 9559D $237.50 Add balance payoff link
Deposit Mosley MSC 9565D $375.00 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Sampson MFDC 9566
Ready to prep

Duffield MNEF 9576

Deposit Hauschild 2 – PELD 9586D $475.00 Ready to prep, Add balance payoff link

Santos/BZP MDBF 9592

Deposit Imhausen MRBB 9615D $375.00 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Brusso/Parlay 8 MBBB18 9620

Hayward Bess rammer 9630
Bess rammers backordered
Deposit Aldrich P33FRS 9650 $237.50 Add balance payoff link

Scully 1777 bayo 9652
1777 bayonets backordered

Morris 2 – MENF 9656
Check for new address – Ready to prep

Konopinski MFDC 9679L $750.00 On layaway

Hall Accessories 9680
British scabbards backordered
Deposit Hafner PDRAG 9684D $237.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Burton Accessories 9685

Franklin Accessories 9702
1777 bayonets & scabbards backordered

Fraser Accessories 9705
Bess bayonets & scabbards backordered

Steiner Accessories 9706
Bess bayonets & scabbards backordered

DiCristofaro 1777 bayo 9709
1777 bayonets backordered

Combs Accessories 9711
Bess bayonets & scabbards backordered

Van Dolah M1BB 9713
Ready to prep

Walker Accessories 9721
Include INV9722 1777 bayonets & scabbards backordered

Pla M1BB 9747
Ready to prep

Campbell/SAR Accessories 9748
Bess rammers backordered

Goldman Accessories 9749
Slings backordered

Cunnings Accessories 9753
1777 bayonets backordered

Gregorich M1842S 9758L $750.00 On layaway

Cravinho MNEF 9760

Workman MFDC 9762
Ready to prep

Fry M1842S 9771

Nason PDRAG – MFDC 9779
Ready to prep

Schitter Accessories 9781
1777 bayonets backordered

White M1740P 9785

Piper M1740P 9786L $750.00 On layaway

Beerer Accessories 9813
Need to make nipple
Deposit Jonas PDOG 9818D $249.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep, note new email address
Deposit Steele M1BB 9822D $387.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Miller MENF 9823
Ready to prep

Seamon PELD 9833L
Paid in full, ready to prep

Gregorich M1842S 9842L $750.00 On layaway

Ehlich M77FRS 9844L $500.00 On layaway

DiPalo PELD 9847
Ready to prep

Karger MFDC 9848L $750.00 On layaway

Smyth MBB15 9849
Ready to prep

Huitrado 1717 French bayo & scabbard 9854
1717 bayonets & scabbards backordered

Thurston MBB15 9856L
Include INV9885 – Paid in full

Strain/FotBoNO 4 – M3BB 9858
Include INV 9860 - Shipping not paid, ready to prep

Strain/FotBoNO Accessories 9860
Ship what we can w/INV9858

Buckley MML-S 9861L $500.00 On layaway

Giglio M77FRS 9876L
Paid in full, ready to prep

Meyerhoff Accessories 9904
1717 Bayonets & slings backordered
Deposit Alonso M77FRS 9907D $387.50 Add balance payoff link
Deposit Smith MDBF 9914D $397.50 Add balance payoff link

Smith M1757SP 9916L $725.00 On layaway

Burkett M1BB 9918
Include check for canceled layaway shipping, ready to prep

Levos M77FRS 9919
Ready to prep
Deposit Olsen PSCOT 9923D $237.50 Add balance payoff link

Bailey MRBB 9929

Wilkins MEL 9932

Zimmerman Accessories – Slings 9933
Slings backordered

Goodwin MDBF – PMLT 9940L $1,195.00 On layaway

Goodwin PBB 9941L $450.00 On layaway

Nelson MBR & bayo 9942

Beckford/QMD Accessories – sling 9944
Slings backordered

Landis Accessories – Bess rammer 9948
Bess rammers backordered
Deposit Fraser M1BB 9953D $387.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Raniolo M1740P – M1757SP- M1816S 9958
M1757SP ready to prep

Landis Accessories – belt hooks 9959
Ready to ship USPS

Brouse M77FRC 9961

Slight M1757SP 9964
Ready to prep
Deposit Wilson MKOF 9977 $387.50 Add balance payoff link

Erny M1842S 9984

Whitworth M1816S 9989L $750.00 Note model change to M1816S, On layaway
Deposit Armstrong PDRAG 9994D $237.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Roser MML-S 9998
Ready to prep

Ratcliffe PDOG 9999

Bagadinski MBB15 10001

Martin Accessories – cleaning rod 10003
Cleaning rods backordered

Spall P33FRS 10005
CANCEL THIS ONE, might be a scammer
Deposit Paris MFDC 10019D $387.50 Add balance payoff link, ready to prep

Stout P56SS 10021

York MML-T 10023

Turner PDBF 10024

Anderson M1842S 10027L $750.00 On layaway

Goodwin PMLT – PBB – MDBF 10029L $1,495.00 On layaway

Couch M1842S 10037L $750.00 On layaway

Kim Bess bayonet & scabbard 10038
Bess bayonets & scabbards backordered, note new address in email

O.Neil/Aeromark PDRAG 10040
Ready to prep

Conrad MRBB 10041D $375.00 Add balance payoff link

Hudson M1740P 10042

Davies MRBB 10043

Everett M17FR 10046

Pool Accessories – belt hook 10049
Ready to ship USPS

Moorhead Accessories – belt hooks 10052
Ready to ship USPS

Peterson PSCOT & accessories 10056

Jones Accessories 10060
Slings backordered

Orr Accessories – belt hook 10065
Ready to ship USPS

Atherton PSCOT 10069

Magill MDBB 10071

Kemp Baker bayonet 10072
Baker bayonets backordered

Wright MBB15 – PDBF 10075

Strong-Oak MFDC 10076L $750.00 Change to MFDC per email, On layaway

Hancock MFDC 10079

Rivard Accessories – spring vises 10081
Ready to ship USPS

Eaton Accessories 10084
Cleaning rods backordered

Cruz MKOF 10085

Regis M1BB 10087
Local pickup, ready to prep

Craghead M1842S 10088

Deposit Cole 2- P33FRS 10089D $475.00 Add balance payoff link

Campbell Accessories 10098

Raniolo MNEF 10100

Strong-Oak MECT 10101L $675.00 Check with him, does he want 4 or did he make 4 payments?

Knudson Accessories 10106
Cleaning rods backordered
Deposit Davidson PMLT – P56SS 10108D $462.50 Add bal payoff link
Deposit Eells MKOF & Acc 10109D $387.50 Add bal payoff link

Herkalo Accessories – Common Scr 10110

Narada PSCOT 10112

Hudson MRBB 10117L $725.00 On layaway

Wells P73FR 10120
Ready to prep
Deposit Davidson MEL 10135D $400.00 Add bal payoff link

Allison Accessories – belt hook 10145
Ready to ship USPS
Deposit Steffen MENF 10152D $387.50 Add bal payoff link
Deposit Cravinho MNEF 10153D $397.50 Add bal payoff link

Madaffari Accessories – belt hook 10156
Ready to ship USPS

Richardson MENF 10158

Stack Accessories – belt hook 10169
Ready to ship USPS
Deposit Brigance M1BB 10170D $387.50 Add bal payoff link, ready to prep

Anderson Baker bayonet 10172
Baker bayonets backordered
Deposit Dawson M1BB & acc 10173D $387.50 Add bal payoff link, ready to prep

Baker PDOG 10175L $350.00 On layaway

Brown Accessories 10176
Cleaning rods backordered

Kennefick Accessories – brass hooks 10178
Ready to ship USPS

Dzidowski P33FRS 10179

Byers PDRAG 10182L $450.00 On layaway

Myers Accessories 10184
Cleaning rods backordered
Deposit Firebaugh M1BB & acc 10186D $387.50 Add bal payoff link, ready to prep

Carson M1BB 10188L $550.00 On layaway

Carson M77FRB 10191L $750.00 On layaway

Edmonds PML-T 10192L $425.00 On layaway

Gannon MML-S 10193

Strong-Oak MFDC 10195

McCormack 2 – P33FRS 10199

McCormack Accessories – hammerstalls 10201
Need to make large hammerstalls

Filice M1816S 10219

Visconti Baker bayonet 10222
Baker bayonets backordered

D'Amico MBBB18 10223

Deposit Foster MENF 10224D $387.50 Add bal payoff link

Kreps Accessories 10225

Brooks M1842S 10228

Lindner M1BB 10229

Lybarger P56SS 10230

Workinger Accessories – spring vise 10233

Finsness Baker bayonet 10235
Baker bayonets backordered
Deposit Stephens M77FRS 10243D $387.50 Add bal payoff link, ready to prep
Deposit Hughes M77FRS 10244D $387.50 Add bal payoff link, ready to prep